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Thank you for considering volunteering with PAWS of SWVA. We are a non-profit 501 (c)3 rescue that has been in operation since 2002 and are based in Wise Co., Virginia. We work with local kill shelters and other rescue groups to help reduce the number of abused, neglected, or unwanted animals in our area. We have several different things we do to help the unwanted pets in our area. We work with the low-cost Margaret B. Mitchell Clinic to reduce the pet population, place pets in foster homes until adopted, host pet adoption events, and also do transports. Volunteers with a variety of skills are needed to ensure the success of these programs. Please take the time to fill out this application and read and sign the agreement. This information will help us find the volunteer work that you would enjoy most and to keep you posted on new projects and events.

Volunteer Application
What kind of volunteering are you interested in (select all that apply)
Times Available (select all that apply)
Would you need gas money for transports?
Reason for volunteering?

Volunteer Agreement


In consideration of this opportunity to volunteer, I agree to the following terms and conditions, intending to be legally bound by them.


1. I will abide by the mission, rules, regulations, policies and programs of PAWS of Southwest Virginia, Inc., hereinafter referred to as PAWS of SWVA, while I am a volunteer.


2. Should I discontinue my volunteer status with PAWS of SWVA for any reason, I will promptly return all of PAWS of SWVA supplies, records, money and other items that may be in my possession.


3. I understand the activity of working with animals is hazardous and involves contact with animals that may be unpredictable. As such, PAWS of SWVA will not be held liable for injuries or accidents that may occur as a result of my volunteer work with animals. I am aware that cats, kittens, dogs and puppies may cause personal or property damage and agree to keep pets in my care securely contained. I assume the risks of being bitten, scratched, or injured by cats, kittens, dogs and puppies, and any infections or complications that may occur as a result, in connection with my volunteer work with PAWS of SWVA

If under the age of 18 a legal guardian must sign.

Thanks for submitting!

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Website Administrator:

Jo Harding

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